December release The Gambler, from Rise of the Planet of the Apes director Rupert Wyatt, has debuted its first Red Band teaser trailer. The remake of Karel Reisz's 1974 film of the same name stars Mark Wahlberg as a literature professor whose gambling addiction puts him in serious danger with some ruthless gangsters. Boasting a lengthy cast of prominent talents such as John Goodman, Jessica Lange and Brie Larson, there are plenty of reason for optimism with this Oscar-hopeful reboot.
The world held its collective breath at the first word of the Avengers: Age of Ultron teaser trailer. Following a stunning initial installment to the franchise, which grossed north of $1.5 billion worldwide, a darker and grittier sequel appears to be on the horizon. The team of superheroes will seemingly be divided by the ramifications of Ultron, a Tony Stark creation (in the movie not the comics) sporting advanced and evolving Artificial Intelligence that allows him to turn on these superheroes and become a menacing force. All of this could potentially pave the way for the "Civil War" storyline which has become the hottest rumor in geek-dom after word that Iron Man will be appearing in 2016's Captain America 3. No matter what the future holds, James Spader sounds freakishly intimidating as Ultron and excitement for the May 2015 release should continue to soar.
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